State of Maine government shutdown – impact on library services.

As of midnight, July 1, 2017, we are now in a temporary shut-down of the State of Maine government. While PPL is not a government office or city department, we will have some peripheral impact from this event.

– PPL will be one of three libraries in Maine able to process Inter-Library Loan requests on behalf of the Maine State Library. We will work hard with our colleagues at Lewiston Public Library and at Bangor Public Library to serve ILL patrons throughout the state and beyond during the shut-down.

– If patrons request ILL materials from the Maine State Library’s collections, we will not be able to secure those materials for you during the shut-down.

– Online databases secured through Maine State Library WILL remain available to PPL users. However, some of the staff of the Maine InfoNet will not be able to work during the shut-down. This means support may be slower if there are issues using any of these digital resources.

PPL suggests that patrons or members of the public sign up for citizen alerts either via text or email to keep up-to-date as things happen:

Here is the official memo from, outlining which government agencies and services will still be open and available:

Questions? We are here help, click here to contact a librarian.


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tags: Adults
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