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eBooks for Kindle

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Download popular eBooks and eAudiobooks for free to your Kindle Fire.

Because of current Amazon restrictions, the Amazon App and Kindle e-ink devices (Paperwhite, Touch, etc.) are not compatible with CloudLibrary.

Getting Started

To access CloudLibrary from your Kindle Fire, download the CloudLibrary app:

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CloudLibrary Newsstand app logoCloudLibrary NewsStand

Instantly access over 7,000 titles in more than 60 languages, including The New YorkerNewsweekForbes, and many more!



Link to ComicsPlusComics Plus

Comics Plus is a digital platform offering thousands of digital comics, graphic novels and manga to library card holders. You can access titles using a smartphone, tablet, or web browser.


Other Free eBooks for Kindle

Project Gutenberg

Project Gutenberg provides free access to eBooks where U.S. copyright has expired. Find many of the most popular classics and download them to your Kindle, no matter what type of Kindle you own!

Open Library

Open Library’s mission is to create a record for every book published. Not every book listed is available as an eBook but many older classic works are. When you are ready to add it to your Kindle, select “MOBI” as the file format.

Loyal Books

Loyal Books also offers access to free popular classics, but does so in a way that is easy to browse. Their books are compatible with any type of Kindle.